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Welcome to Healing in Progress where you can find resources to help you along your healing journey.


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                I have participated in 3 different collaborative books where there are several authors, each writing their personal story about the book's topic. Our goal is to let you know, you are not alone and that there are things you can do to help yourself. 


Below you will find videos and book offers to go along with each book.


Holistic Mental Health

Calm, Clear, and in Control for the Rest of Your Life

My chapter: You Are the Role Model - Guiding Our Children to Live a Confident Life


Find Your Voice Save Your Life

My chapter: It Was Time to Take Back Control of My Health


The Ultimate Guide to Self-Healing Vol 2

My chapter: Stress Relief, Using Energy Healing for Optimal Health



Enjoy this 22 minute Virtual Vibrational Sound Therapy session. Find a comfortable place, grab your earbuds or headphones and relax. Reducing stress in the body allows your body to heal

audio - VVSTPam Bohlken
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A much needed book, Holistic Mental Health, Calm, Clear and in Control for the Rest of Your Life. This collaborative book, available on Amazon, shares 25 different stories with practices to help you, the reader, to bring more clarity to your lives and the lives of those you love.  

I wrote chapter 11, You Are the Role Model, Guiding Our Children to Live a Confident Life.

For a free copy of my chapter, click here 

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Purchase Find Your Voice Save Your Life Vol 1 on Amazon. This book is another collaborative book with 24 authors each sharing their story on how they lost their voice and how they bravely found it again and started to use it. 

I wrote chapter 10, It Was Time to Take Back Control of my Health. 

This is a powerful and inspirational book for women yearning to speak their truth, discover more of their authentic selves and live more loving and meaningful lives. As you read each woman's story you will be comforted to know you're not alone and that your transformation is truly possible! 

Lori Leyden, PhD

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The Ultimate Guide to Self-Healing Volume 2 available on Amazon.  This book is a collaboration of 25 co-authors, each sharing their personal healing journey and teaching simple healing techniques. My chapter is called Stress Relief, Using Energy Healing for Optimal Health




Book image. The Ultimate Guide to Self-Healing Vol 2

Extraordinary writers that have collectively brought together good information through many different Healing Modalities. Many people can benefit from learning the language of healing and how it can affect all of us i a positive way. "The Ultimate Guide to Self-Healing" Book, shows many different modalities yet, in a similar language of Self-Healing. In new growth, we can find healing and a new life, this clearly came through in the book.

Annette Bruchu-Author, Healer

Helping You Heal Center

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Apple Breathing Technique

This breathing technique is a simple way to get the energy flowing through you, to open your chakras and release stress





Self administered Energy Healing can be simple but powerful. Watch the video below to see how. 

Reversing Triple Warmer Meridian

By reversing Triple Warmer Meridian, you are calming the fight or flight response in your body and reducing stress. See how it's done in the video below

Bonus Video - Triple Warmer Smoothie

This technique was designed by Donna Eden. She's the founder of Energy Medicine. This process also tones down the energy of the Triple Warmer Meridian with just a different flare. Learn how to do this technique in the following video

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