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The pupils in her eyes shrank to the size of a pinhead

Have you ever had a feeling so strong that you knew you had to follow it?

One morning many years ago, I woke up with this strong feeling that I had to go visit my mom.

She had a bedroom set for me to pick up, so now would be a good time to go get it.

My soon-to-be husband at the time didn't feel any urgency to get there, but I was feeling very anxious. I felt like we really needed to get there NOW.

I felt much better once we got there. My two older sisters had just left, my step-dad was at work as a security guard at the local hospital. Mom was alone but just fine. Whew!

We visited for a while and then started to load the bedroom set into our vehicle.

I noticed my mom start to grab the side of her head.

The pupils in her eyes shrank to the size of a pinhead.

"Mom, are you okay?"

As we went to help her into the house, she lost control of her left side. Her arm and leg went limp. Oh no, she's having a stroke.

We managed to get her into the house. The use of her leg came back, but next thing we know she's in the bathroom throwing up. There is definitely something wrong.

By some miracle I remembered the phone number of the local hospital. I wanted to know if we should take her to the clinic or emergency room. They said "Take her to the clinic. We'll let them know she is coming"

While she laid on the exam table in the clinic, I could see the fear on her face. I assured her everything would be fine, but I didn't know if it would.

I ran next door to the hospital to find my step-dad. He met us at the clinic as fast as he could.

It wasn't long before she was in an ambulance and headed to the cities to a better equipped hospital. I was on the phone calling my siblings.

She had a brain aneurysm. The odds of surviving are low. The longer you go without medical care, the less chance of survival.

At the hospital she had her earth angels, the nurses, taking very good care of her.

The doctors didn't think she was strong enough for surgery, but the nurses cut back on her medication so she was more alert the next time the doctors checked on her. She had her surgery.

She was back home recuperating just in time for Christmas.

We all sat around her as we opened these lovely hand crocheted afghans she had made for us. We all knew that if she hadn't survived we would have had her loving arms around us in those afghans, but we were much happier to have her with us.

Follow those feelings. It just may make the difference of wrapping yourself in an afghan or warm loving arms.

This was 1988, a long time ago. Mom is still with us and will be turning 92 in November.

Pam Bohlken is the founder of Healing in Progress and she is an energy healer. She’s a Reiki Master; she’s certified through Vibrational Sound Association as a Vibrational Sound Therapy Practitioner. She’s trained in the Maris Peer method of hypnosis, called Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) and she performs Sound Meditations for groups using her beautiful Himalayan singing bowls. She is a co-author of The Ultimate Guide to Self-Healing Volume 2. Pam is an amateur herbalist, she loves spending time with her grandchildren, gardening and sewing. To contact Pam, go to

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